Having posted a review on the book, Biblical Democracy, I thought that I'd post a blurp on the book itself.
So, here it is!
What is wrong with our society andSo, here it is!
what can we do to make it right?
The first part of this question is much easier than the second and I'm sure that each of us can speedily make a list of problems. But what can we do?
This is a lot harder and for many people the answer is "Nothing", so they put their heads down, try to live their lives quietly or maybe pack up and leave the country.
For others, the advice may be: "Look at other countries and imitate them. Look to Scandinavia or other liberal systems." Others may take socialist principles to heart and try to implement them. Still others say "Everything in the past was wrong. Let's start from scratch." Or the opposite: "We want everything back the way it was!"

If you are a Christian, you probably believe that the Bible has answers to our eternal destiny. But what about our life on earth? If you are not a Christian, are you open to look at history to see what has worked and what hasn't? Would you like to see how only democracy based on Biblical foundations can bring about the freedom and prosperity that we are seeking? If so, then I challenge you to thoughtfully read Biblical Democracy – a practical look at how principles in the Bible impact on society.
While the primary message of the Bible is certainly how sinful men and women can be reconciled to a Holy God, the secondary message is often neglected but is also important – how should we live our lives on earth in a way that honours God.
In Biblical Democracy, we seek to explore Biblical principles for government, look at opposing worldviews and reveal the problems that result from ignoring God's Word. Part 2 goes on to give an inspiring overview of how God has used individuals and governments down through the ages to fulfil His purposes. Biblical Democracy presents a well-researched synopsis of the positive influence that people of faith and courage have had on the course of history.
The book is user-friendly and full of quotes, pictures, cartoons, maps and graphs as well as footnotes, a time-line and index. It's an excellent resource for all! It's 291 pages, soft-cover and is a bargain at R78 plus R10 postage and packaging.
It has been well said that those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it so let us remind ourselves of the truth, as stated in the words of Abraham Lincoln: "It is the duty of nations as well as of men to acknowledge their dependence upon the overruling power of God… and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord."
To order a copy of Biblical Democracy, please contact:
Deanna Cain at Signposts,
PO Box 295, Menlyn, 0063.
Tel/Fax: 012-993-2680,
E-mail: signpost@mweb.co.za
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